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Ha, ha! I recently found this little dude hiding in a remote corner of our archives and just had to pull him out. 2A! created this fun character design for HP way back in 2005. I believe he was printed up life-sized and used at various technology expos to help point people towards HP’s innovative new products.

Here’s a few more shots of the little guy posing with some HP products.

I love searching the archives and finding these little blasts from our past. Hope you like them too! ;)Copyright © Hewlett-Packard Company
Welcome the Thundercat’s comical sidekick, Snarf!
Originally I was going to include Snarf with Lion-O -- considering he's technically Lion-O's protector -- but once I started sketching him I dug the pose so much I decided he could stand on his own. Plus, Snarf has become something of an icon to me… I mean, who hasn’t used his name as a phrase? “Snarf, Snarf!” I’d say I use it at least once daily. ;)
Snarf is part of a larger Thundercats team drawing I'm doing for fun. Figured I’d post each character as I finish, then the whole image once it's done. Be sure to also check out my takes on Lion-O, Panthro, and Cheetara if you haven’t already!
Until next time... "Thundercats HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"Illustration © Joe Costantini
Here’s another cool character we designed for Sifaka World. His name is "Tui the Tortoise" and you can find him at the entrance to the Mystery Beach activity. I’m really happy with how he turned out and thought I'd share. Hope you like! ;)
Head over to to see Tui in action. You can also check out more Sifka World designs by following the links below.
Sifaka World Mascot
Sifaka World Mascot Part II
Ring Tailed Lemur
Sifaka World AlbatrossCopyright © Sifaka Productions, LLC
As Tom mentioned in yesterday's post, 2A! has been working on lots of different animated emoticons for SweetIM. For our first batch the client wanted us to create characters that would appeal to women aged 30-45, which was the audience they wanted to target.

Everyone in the studio created strong designs to present, but the client latched onto the extremely cute and saccharine characters that I submitted. I proposed sketches of a cat, a mouse, a moth, a pony, and a little panda for the vignettes. They are all round and curvy in design with big eyes that give an overall cute appearance.

I fleshed out the designs a little more once they were all approved. Here you can see how I explored the cat's face and how she'd look at different angles and expressions.

Then came the color mock-ups, and you can see we played a bit with the colors of the mouse. I wanted to use bright, happy colors and I tried to find a color that brightened up her gray fur. After trying both purple and pink we decided to go with the purple as we felt it was more refined. We also played with adding more eyelashes, but decided "less is more" in this case.

With all the designs and colors approved, I was very excited to begin animating these characters. You can check out all five of our animations by downloading the FREE application at So what are you waiting for? Copyright © SweetIM Technologies Ltd.
My favorite time of year is just around the corner! Following in the footsteps of my summer-themed desktop, I was all too eager to create my fall-themed desktop. There are so many fun things to enjoy: fall leaves, cooler temperatures, and apple cider to name a few. I decided this year my theme would be a pumpkin patch, complete with dried cornstalks and a spooky twilight to match.
Here's the initial sketch I made for the piece...

And here’s the final. I took it into Flash for ink and color, and then applied a texture over it to give it that spooky, gritty look.

I hope you're all looking forward to fall as much as I am!Copyright © Sarah Gencarelli
While watching Colgate’s How To Have A Bright Smile video (which was released last week), I realized that I blogged about the main character designs, but totally forgot to mention the villains of the piece… the sinful Snacks and evil Plaque Monsters!
Since plaque is such a vague thing, I played around with the idea of making them look like little amorphous blobs. To make them more identifiable, I gave them large, creepy eyes and a mouth full of rotten teeth. The soft, gel-like consistency of their body allowed them to form around teeth and gums, and even grow arms when necessary. We then decided on a putrid green color to make them look even more disgusting, and finally applied textures and shadows to make them look like cut paper.

The snacks were a little more challenging, since I had to find out a way to keep the style of the Plaque Monsters and apply them to identifiable food. Choosing the types of food was easy, as everyone knows what their favorite childhood treats like cookies and candies are. From there, I gave them the same sort of eyes as the Plaque Monsters, and completed the design with the addition of whimsical 1930's cartoon styled arms and legs.

You can see the Plaque Monsters and Snacks frolicking in the final scenes below.

I think we did a nice job making the dangers of poor hygiene more apparent with these designs. We created characters that were gross but not terrifying, and that work as a great visual motivator for kids to remember to brush their teeth. :D
Copyright © Colgate - Palmolive Company
Welcome the Thundercats' staff-spinning-speed-demon, Cheetara!
I’m not sure if I’m supposed to say this out loud, but Cheetara is hot! That’s right… I’m calling a cartoon character hot! Come on, you know you agree. Not only would she knock you out with one twirl of her staff, but she’d do it so fast you wouldn’t even know what hit you. ;)
Cheetara is part of a larger Thundercats team drawing I'm doing for fun. Figured I’d post each character as I finish, then the whole image once it's done. Be sure to also check out my takes on Lion-O and Panthro if you haven’t already!
Until next time... "Thundercats HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"Illustration © Joe Costantini
The educational video we created for Colgate titled, How To Have A Bright Smile is now live on the Colgate: Bright Smiles, Bright Futures website!
2A! wrote and directed the 5-minute Flash animation, which stars Colgate’s popular Dr. Rabbit character. Be sure to head over to the site and give it a watch!
Copyright © Colgate - Palmolive Company
I'm back this week with the addition of "Cobra Commander" to my villains sketch. In my opinion, no self-respecting 80's villain sketch would be complete without him. You definitely don't see cartoon villains like this anymore. I guess the leader of a terrorist organization isn't marketable to kids nowadays. Go figure. :)
I really wish the recent G.I. Joe movie had included him in it, as opposed to the character that looked and acted nothing like him. Oh well, my memory of the real Cobra still lives on in this drawing! Next time look out for "The Evil Lord of Destruction!"Illustration © Mark Pingitore