2A! goes Anime with the Pokémon Learning League.
The Pokémon Learning League is an educational website featuring the popular television show characters interacting with users to help teach them lessons in math, science, and language studies.
2A! worked closely with Pokémon USA to develop the vector art library, which includes such iconic characters as Ash and Picachu, and was used to animate the interactive Flash tutorials. Above is a screen shot from the intro animation we created, as well as some cool artwork of Ash below. Enjoy!
Copyright © Pokémon USA.
there used to be a great comic strip on Camp Chaos Web sight-Bounty Hunter Girl, the creator of the comic strip stopped making the strip and offered some one els to do the strip. I thought perhapps you would?
I remember Bounty Girl. 2A! didn’t work on that comic, but I do remember liking the artwork. I'm not sure what ever happen to the strip?
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