October 30, 2009

Fun Art Fridays: Happy Halloween!

Each year we like to come up with a Halloween greeting to send all of our loyal 2A! followers and subjects. This year we were throwing around ideas and I thought it would be fun to do a group caricature shot of the 2A! staff wearing costumes of their respective work mascots. We decided we wanted it to have a different look than our normal style, so Joe and I agreed that a painted final image would make it really stand out. Joe started it off by roughing in the poses of the characters, then I took that and focused on getting a likeness of everyone. After a couple passes between us, we settled on a final sketch. We then took that into Photoshop, and have both worked on it the past week to finish in time for Halloween. So here we are, after many hours, ready to unveil our hard work. I hope you like it, and have a safe and happy Halloween!

Copyright © Two Animators! LLP

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