100 Spidey Poses on one page! Needless to say, this image is gonna' scroll.
A brief history... Spider-Man is my favorite comic book character. So I find myself sketching him a lot. Either in the morning to loosen up or later in the day if I've hit a creative bump in the road. I take a quick break and sketch a Spidey. Why? Because it makes me happy and lets my mind rest for a moment. Anyway, once I hit the 100 mark I thought it would be cool to share them all on a single sheet. So here it is!
Click on the image below for a higher-res version. You can also check out all of the individual sketches on DeviantArt.
Spider-Man is Copyright © Marvel
Original Sketches are Copyright © Joe Costantini
As Tom mentioned in his previous Southside Shaolin post, here are some of the exploratory sketches we did while designing the main character, Lulu Lu.
As you can see, sometimes it takes quite a few passes trying a multitude of directions before we nail a final look that everyone is happy with. All in all, I'm very happy with where Lulu ended up!
Southside Shaolin & Lulu Copyright © Wandering Eye Pictures
Development Sketches Copyright © Two Animators! LLP
Yep, it's that time of year again... flu season. =(
Just thought I'd share some fun character sketches we recently did. They're for an educational animation we're working on about how the flu spreads.
Remember to cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough, and most importantly, keep your hands clean by washing them often.
Good luck this flu season!
Copyright © Two Animators! LLP