July 25, 2012
Concept Designs: Whac-A-Mold Game!
Here are some concepts we created for a proposed game called, “Whac-A-Mold!”
As you can guess from the title, it was intended to be a Whac-A-Mole-type game, but instead of whacking moles you’d be whacking mold. Boom! The point of the game was to educate players about the different types of molds that could grow in their homes, and how to treat the problem. The final game never came to fruition, but we thought these designs were too fun not to share. And who knows… maybe one day we’ll get to actually whack these little guys!
Copyright © Two Animators! LLP
3D Background by & Copyright © Joel Payne
July 09, 2012
Rockstar Games: Max Payne 3!
2A! rocks some “Captain Baseball Bat Boy” for the Max Payne 3 game!
Rockstar Games has released Max Payne 3, their newest installment of the gritty third-person shooter series, which features all new “Captain Baseball Bat Boy” in-game Easter eggs that we had the pleasure of animating.
Be sure to check out the game and and keep an eye out for our animations!
(Available on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC)
Copyright © Rockstar Games